Lantera Labs is an organization based in my previous home of Richmond, Virginia. Lantera’s work encompasses a marketing sector focused in luxury fashion and goods and an education sector that focuses on tech subjects and bringing those teachings to underrepresented communities.

I worked with founder, Aneesha Rao, to create illustrations and to support the re-design of the website for Lantera Labs. Big thank you to Emilie von Unwerth who focused on copy, voice and project management as well as lead designer Daniel Torraca. It was a fantastic experience and I’m so inspired by Lantera’s mission and Aneesha’s contributions to her community.

Screen Shot 2020-10-06 at 4.54.49 PM.png

See the site in action at

CLIENT: Lantera Labs
WORK: Illustration
YEAR: 2020
POSTED: Oct 6, 2020


Fella Swim


Production On 5th